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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

D Coordinator for Younger Players

One good thing that did come about from the meetings in Wendover is that I was named as the new D-Coordinator for the sophomore team this coming season. I am excited about this opportunity and look forward to doing my bes...
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One of the Worst Days

The 24th of April happened to be one of the worst days in the last few years. It started out going to a golf course at 7:30 AM to play a semi game of golf. We had to go to Tooele cause it is on the way to Wendover where we have the Utah High School Football Coaches clinic. After golfing we go to eat some lunch stopping at a mexican restaurant. They provide free chips and salsa so as we are eating the salsa, I feel something hard that won't break, I pull it out and it is part of my tooth. That's right I had broken off a part of my tooth, uh oh. Luckily the tooth wasn't hurting but just was...
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