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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Excited for the Coming Season

Well I am excited for this coming football season.  For those that don't know this Senior class were the sophomore's a couple years ago.  I wrote a little about our experience at Price Camp with them and how we weren't sure about how that season was going to turn out.

At that time we as coaches weren't sure how how many games we would win.  We thought we might not win many at all.  That year they ended up winning all but 1 game.  Last year same for them they lost 1 game as well barely losing to Alta.  This from a team with a majority of players that didn't win a single game as 8th graders.

Well now we are at full strength as any sophomores that were playing up are now with this team.  I think we have the potential to be a really really really good team.  Coach Clark told me yesterday he is excited for the coming season as it is gonna take a lot of coaching of these kids.  We replace all 6 DB's from last years team so a lot of opportunity for these kids to step up and play this coming year.  When you have the opportunity to teach kids and coach them up there is nothing more satisfying than seeing them succeed.

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